Jared Edwards

Jared has spent the last 6 years focused exclusively on introducing Kubernetes to startup and enterprise organizations and has a great command of the cloud native ecosystem and its orchestration complexities. Building Kubefirst started as a passion project on nights and weekends where John and Jared worked to reduce the barrier of entry for Kubernetes and Cloud Native.
Conferences & Meetups
Livestreams & Podcasts
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Argo CD
- Argo Workflows
- Atlantis
- cert-manager
- ChartMuseum
- DataDog
- Docker
- GitHub
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions Runner Controller
- GitLab
- GitLab Runner
- HashiCorp Vault
- Ingress NGINX Controller
- k3d
- kubefirst
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes External Secrets Operator
- Kubernetes ExternalDNS
- MinIO
- mkcert
- ngrok
- Terraform
- Application Delivery
- Application Version Management
- Cloud Native
- GitOps
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Internal Developer Platforms
- Secrets Management